
2024-05-29 00:12

1. vb中TabStrip控件怎样用代码来切换选项卡?


Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Command1_Click()    ' 切换到 #1     TabStrip1.Tabs(1).Selected = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()    ' 切换到 #2     TabStrip1.Tabs(2).Selected = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()    ' 切换到 #3     TabStrip1.Tabs(3).Selected = TrueEnd Sub(3)运行效果




2. VB选项卡TabStrip1的问题

设置好 SSTab 各属性页,利用其Index 属性来判断
Select Case SSTab1.SelectedItem.Index
 Case 1
 Case 2
End Select

3. vb 中 tabstrip的用法

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Me.SSTab1.Tab = 0
End Sub

vb 中 tabstrip的用法

4. vb高手们 谁能告诉我TabStrip控件的用法?

TabStrip 控件                 TabStrip 控件就象笔记本的书签或者一组文件夹的标签一样。通过使用 TabStrip 控件,可以在应用程序中为某个窗口或者对话框的相同区域定义多个页面。语法TabStrip说明该控件由 Tabs 集合中的一个或者更多个 Tab 对象组成。在设计时和运行时,都可以通过设置该控件的属性影响 Tab 对象外观。也可以在设计时用 TabStrip 控件的属性页来添加或删除选项卡,要是在运行时用方法来添加或删除 Tab 对象。Style 属性决定了 TabStrip 控件看起来是象下压按钮还是象笔记本标签 。在设计时将一个 TabStrip 控件放在某个窗体上时,它就有了一个笔记本标签。如果 Style 属性被设置为 tabTabs,那么 TabStrip 控件的内部区域周围将有一个边框。当 Style 属性被设置为 tabButtons 时,控件的内部区域周围不显示边框,不过,那个区域仍然存在。要设置 TabStrip 控件的整体大小,用其拖动句柄或者设置其 Top、Left、Height 和 Width 属性。运行时根据该控件的整体大小,Visual Basic 自动决定内部区域的大小和位置并返回 Client-coordinate 属性— ClientLeft、ClientTop、ClientHeight 和 ClientWidth。MultiRow 属性决定了该控件能否具有多于一行的选项卡,TabWidthStyle 属性决定了每一行的外观,还有,如果 TabWidthStyle 属性被设置为 tabFixed,则可以用 TabFixedHeight 和 TabFixedWidth 属性来给 TabStrip 控件中的所有选项卡设置相同的高度和宽度。TabStrip 控件不是容器。要想包含实际页面和它们的对象,必须用 Frame 控件或者其它容器,它们的大小必须与控件中所有 Tab 对象共享的内部区域匹配。如果针对该容器使用了一个控件数组,则可以使特定的 Tab 对象与数组中的每一项相关联,请看下例:Option Explicit Private mintCurFrame As Integer' Current Frame visible Private Sub Tabstrip1_Click() If Tabstrip1.SelectedItem.Index = mintCurFrame _ Then Exit Sub ' No need to change frame. ' Otherwise, hide old frame, show new. Frame1(Tabstrip1.SelectedItem.Index).Visible = True Frame1(mintCurFrame).Visible = False ' Set mintCurFrame to new value. mintCurFrame = Tabstrip1.SelectedItem.Index End Sub 注意 在容器上将控件分组时,必须使用上述显示/隐藏策略,而不使用 Zorder Method 将框架带到全面来。否则,实现访问键(ALT + 访问键)的控件将一直响应键盘命令,甚至当容器不是最顶端的控件时也如此。还要注意,必须将每个组放在它自己的容器中,以此将 OptionButton 控件的组分离开,否则,窗体上的所有 OptionButtons 将象一大组 OptionButtons。提示 使用 BorderStyle 属性为 None 的 Frame 控件作为容器来取代 PictureBox 控件。Frame 控件比起 PictureBox 控件来说所花费的开销少。TabStrip 控件的 Tabs 属性是所有 Tab 对象的集合。每个 Tab 对象都具有与其当前状态和外观相关联的属性。例如,可以使 ImageList 控件与 TabStrip 控件相关联,然后就可以在单个选项卡上使用图象了。也可以使工具提示与每个 Tab 对象相关联。

5. VB控件中TabStrip怎样使用?

Private Sub TabStrip1_Click()
Select Case TabStrip1.SelectedItem.Key
Case "Key1"MsgBox "1"Case "Key2"MsgBox "2"Case "Key3"MsgBox "3"End SelectEnd Sub
Private Sub TabStrip1_Click()
Select Case TabStrip1.SelectedItem.Key
Case "Key1"
Pic1.Zorder 0
Case "Key2"
Pic2.Zorder 0


6. VB中的TabStrip控件如何在每一个Strip当中再添加控件呢

最简单的就是改用部件--mircosoft tabbed dialog control 6.0
或者你添加N个容器(容器里放控件) frame或者picture 对应每一个选项卡页面 然后将容器叠放在一起 编写代码 在tabstrip单击事件中判断当前选项卡 继而控制对应容器显隐Visible

7. 请教VB6中的TabStrip控件的详细使用方法

TabStrip 例子 (一)===============================================================VERSION 5.00Object = "{6B7E6392-850A-101B-AFC0-4210102A8DA7}#1.2#0"; "comctl32.ocx"Begin VB.Form Form1    Caption         =   "Form1"   ClientHeight    =   2760   ClientLeft      =   1635   ClientTop       =   1545   ClientWidth     =   3420   LinkTopic       =   "Form1"   ScaleHeight     =   2760   ScaleWidth      =   3420   Begin VB.Frame ChoiceFrame       BorderStyle     =   0  'None      Height          =   1695      Index           =   1      Left            =   1800      TabIndex        =   2      Top             =   1560      Width           =   2655      Begin VB.OptionButton DogsOption          Caption         =   "Bohdi"         Height          =   255         Index           =   3         Left            =   240         TabIndex        =   11         Top             =   1200         Width           =   975      End      Begin VB.OptionButton DogsOption          Caption         =   "Mahto"         Height          =   255         Index           =   2         Left            =   240         TabIndex        =   10         Top             =   840         Width           =   975      End      Begin VB.OptionButton DogsOption          Caption         =   "Veda"         Height          =   255         Index           =   1         Left            =   240         TabIndex        =   9         Top             =   480         Width           =   975      End      Begin VB.OptionButton DogsOption          Caption         =   "Snortimer"         Height          =   255         Index           =   0         Left            =   240         TabIndex        =   8         Top             =   120         Value           =   -1  'True         Width           =   975      End   End   Begin VB.Frame ChoiceFrame       BorderStyle     =   0  'None      Height          =   1695      Index           =   2      Left            =   1080      TabIndex        =   3      Top             =   1080      Width           =   2655      Begin VB.OptionButton PoepleOption          Caption         =   "Darcy"         Height          =   255         Index           =   3         Left            =   240         TabIndex        =   7         Top             =   1200         Width           =   1095      End      Begin VB.OptionButton PoepleOption          Caption         =   "Julia"         Height          =   255         Index           =   2         Left            =   240         TabIndex        =   6         Top             =   840         Width           =   1095      End      Begin VB.OptionButton PoepleOption          Caption         =   "Michelle"         Height          =   255         Index           =   1         Left            =   240         TabIndex        =   5         Top             =   480         Width           =   1095      End      Begin VB.OptionButton PoepleOption          Caption         =   "Rod"         Height          =   255         Index           =   0         Left            =   240         TabIndex        =   4         Top             =   120         Value           =   -1  'True         Width           =   1095      End   End   Begin VB.Frame ChoiceFrame       BorderStyle     =   0  'None      Height          =   1695      Index           =   0      Left            =   360      TabIndex        =   1      Top             =   600      Width           =   2655      Begin VB.OptionButton CatsOption          Caption         =   "Corky"         Height          =   255         Index           =   2         Left            =   240         TabIndex        =   14         Top             =   840         Width           =   1335      End      Begin VB.OptionButton CatsOption          Caption         =   "Cobe"         Height          =   255         Index           =   1         Left            =   240         TabIndex        =   13         Top             =   480         Width           =   1335      End      Begin VB.OptionButton CatsOption          Caption         =   "Merlin"         Height          =   255         Index           =   0         Left            =   240         TabIndex        =   12         Top             =   120         Value           =   -1  'True         Width           =   1335      End   End   Begin ComctlLib.TabStrip TabStrip1       Height          =   2175      Left            =   240      TabIndex        =   0      Top             =   240      Width           =   2895      _ExtentX        =   5106      _ExtentY        =   3836      _Version        =   327682      BeginProperty Tabs {0713E432-850A-101B-AFC0-4210102A8DA7}          NumTabs         =   3         BeginProperty Tab1 {0713F341-850A-101B-AFC0-4210102A8DA7}             Caption         =   "&Cats"            Object.Tag             =   ""            ImageVarType    =   2         EndProperty         BeginProperty Tab2 {0713F341-850A-101B-AFC0-4210102A8DA7}             Caption         =   "&Dogs"            Object.Tag             =   ""            ImageVarType    =   2         EndProperty         BeginProperty Tab3 {0713F341-850A-101B-AFC0-4210102A8DA7}             Caption         =   "&People"            Object.Tag             =   ""            ImageVarType    =   2         EndProperty      EndProperty   EndEndAttribute VB_Name = "Form1"Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = FalseAttribute VB_Creatable = FalseAttribute VB_PredeclaredId = TrueAttribute VB_Exposed = FalseOption Explicit' Note that the TabStrip numbers tabs starting' with 1 not 0.' The index of the selected frame.Private SelectedTab As IntegerPrivate Sub Form_Load()Dim i As Integer    ' Move all the frames to the same position    ' and make them all invisible.    For i = 1 To ChoiceFrame.UBound        ChoiceFrame(i).Move _            ChoiceFrame(0).Left, _            ChoiceFrame(0).Top, _            ChoiceFrame(0).Width, _            ChoiceFrame(0).Height        ChoiceFrame(i).Visible = False    Next i        ' Select the first tab.    SelectedTab = 1    TabStrip1.SelectedItem = TabStrip1.Tabs(SelectedTab)    ChoiceFrame(SelectedTab - 1).Visible = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub TabStrip1_Click()    ChoiceFrame(SelectedTab - 1).Visible = False    SelectedTab = TabStrip1.SelectedItem.Index    ChoiceFrame(SelectedTab - 1).Visible = TrueEnd Sub


8. VB tabstrip控件 关闭选项卡的问题(高分求解!)

Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Dim OldClickTime As Long

Function GetSelect(oTab As TabStrip) As Long
Dim a, b As Long
For Each a In oTab.Tabs
b = b + 1
If a.Selected Then
GetSelect = b
Exit Function
End If
End Function

If OldClickTime = 0 Then
OldClickTime = GetTickCount
Exit Sub
End If
If GetTickCount - OldClickTime < 300 Then
TabStrip1.Tabs.Remove GetSelect(TabStrip1)
OldClickTime = 0
Exit Sub
OldClickTime = GetTickCount
End If

PS:要叉叉按钮的话,需要自己画上去,要子类化窗口,监视WM_MOUSEUP事件,再判断是否在叉叉的范围里,是则关闭制定选项卡。这种方法相当麻烦,一不小心还会连VB IDE一起崩溃。