
2024-05-19 06:27

1. 英国留学:巴斯斯巴大学知名校友及所获荣誉介绍

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       巴斯斯巴大学荣誉介绍                                                                                            01                                                              知名校友如下:   Kate Garraway   Peter Flannery   莫 海德   朱尔斯 威廉斯   Evie Wyld   伊丽莎白 卡伊   Daren King   Peter Randall-Page   Sally Nicholls   Tracey Corderoy   安妮塔 罗迪克   阿克塞尔 舍夫勒   罗杰 狄金斯   Judith Trim   Salima Hashmi   劳拉 福特   露西 克里斯托弗   Rachel Whitear
                                                                                                                                                                                                    巴斯斯巴大学知名校友介绍                                                                                            01                                                              知名校友如下:   Kate Garraway   Peter Flannery   莫 海德   朱尔斯 威廉斯   Evie Wyld   伊丽莎白 卡伊   Daren King   Peter Randall-Page   Sally Nicholls   Tracey Corderoy   安妮塔 罗迪克   阿克塞尔 舍夫勒   罗杰 狄金斯   Judith Trim   Salima Hashmi   劳拉 福特   露西 克里斯托弗   Rachel Whitear
                                                                                                                                                                                                    巴斯斯巴大学知名校友所获荣誉介绍                                                                                            01                                                              一:莫 海德   莫 海德是英国犯罪小说家,著有《啼死鸟》、《治疗》等作品。 莫 海德15岁便离开学校,她做过许多工作,如:酒吧女侍、警卫、片场人员、东京夜总会女招待等,还教过英文。她拥有华盛顿特区的美利坚大学电影学硕士学位,以及英国巴斯思巴大学的写作硕士。   二:安妮塔 罗迪克   企业家   安妮塔 罗迪克女爵士,DBE,英国企业家、人权运动家和环保运动家,美体小铺创办人。   三:阿克塞尔 舍夫勒  插画家   以上就是关于英国留学:巴斯斯巴大学知名校友及所获荣誉介绍的相关内容。一起留学网作为国内领先的互联网留学中介,为广大学子提供0中介免费留学申请服务;想要了解更多的留学资讯,欢迎咨询【一起留学网】的顾问老师。


2. 英国留学:巴斯斯巴大学知名校友及所获荣誉介绍

    巴斯斯巴大学荣誉介绍  知名校友如下:    Kate Garraway   Peter Flannery   莫 海德   朱尔斯 威廉斯   Evie Wyld   伊丽莎白 卡伊   Daren King   Peter Randall-Page   Sally Nicholls   Tracey Corderoy   安妮塔 罗迪克   阿克塞尔 舍夫勒   罗杰 狄金斯   Judith Trim   Salima Hashmi   劳拉 福特   露西 克里斯托弗   Rachel Whitear
  巴斯斯巴大学知名校友介绍  知名校友如下:    Kate Garraway   Peter Flannery   莫 海德   朱尔斯 威廉斯   Evie Wyld   伊丽莎白 卡伊   Daren King   Peter Randall-Page   Sally Nicholls   Tracey Corderoy   安妮塔 罗迪克   阿克塞尔 舍夫勒   罗杰 狄金斯   Judith Trim   Salima Hashmi   劳拉 福特   露西 克里斯托弗   Rachel Whitear
  巴斯斯巴大学知名校友所获荣誉介绍  一:莫 海德    莫 海德是英国犯罪小说家,著有《啼死鸟》、《治疗》等作品。 莫 海德15岁便离开学校,她做过许多工作,如:酒吧女侍、警卫、片场人员、东京夜总会女招待等,还教过英文。她拥有华盛顿特区的美利坚大学电影学硕士学位,以及英国巴斯思巴大学的写作硕士。   二:安妮塔 罗迪克   企业家   安妮塔 罗迪克女爵士,DBE,英国企业家、人权运动家和环保运动家,美体小铺创办人。   三:阿克塞尔 舍夫勒插画家   以上就是关于英国留学:巴斯斯巴大学知名校友及所获荣誉介绍的相关内容。一起留学网作为国内领先的互联网留学中介,为广大学子提供0中介免费留学申请服务;想要了解更多的留学资讯,欢迎咨询【一起留学网】的顾问老师。

3. 巴斯大学的学术集团

巴斯大学是下列学术集团的成员:MBA协会(Association of MBAs)、欧洲质量促进系统(European Quality Improvement System)、欧洲大学协会(European University Association)和大学英国(Universities UK)。


4. 巴思的巴斯大学

 虽然巴斯大学在1996年才获得准许成立的皇家特许状,但是它的历史可追溯至1856年。巴斯大学如今已是国际认可的一流大学,而且专门教授建筑、教育、工程、管理、现代语言、计算机科学、统计学、欧洲研究、生物学、化学、物理学、数学、药剂学、社会科学及运动科学。在2008年政府主持的英国大学科研水平评估(RAE 2008)中,巴斯大学排名全英第18位。 在多年英国国内各权威机构公布的榜单中,巴斯大学普遍被认为是全英排名前10的英国顶尖名校。在英国国内和欧洲有极高的声誉 。该校由工程和设计学院、人文和社会科学学院、理学院、管理学院组成,每个学院都提供大学、研究所与研究课程。巴斯大学管理学院在金融时报(Financial Times)2013欧洲商学院排名上位居英国第14位,欧洲第50位,近三年平均排名欧洲第62位,是公认的英国最好的商学院之一。 1、AllBarOne。2、波娜娜PoNaNa。3、巴比伦夜总会。

5. 巴斯的巴斯大学

 虽然巴斯大学在1996年才获得准许成立的皇家特许状,但是它的历史可追溯至1856年。巴斯大学如今已是国际认可的一流大学,而且专门教授建筑、教育、工程、管理、现代语言、计算机科学、统计学、欧洲研究、生物学、化学、物理学、数学、药剂学、社会科学及运动科学。在2008年政府主持的英国大学科研水平评估(RAE 2008)中,巴斯大学排名全英第18位。 在多年英国国内各权威机构公布的榜单中,巴斯大学普遍被认为是全英排名前10的英国顶尖名校。在英国国内和欧洲有极高的声誉 。该校由工程和设计学院、人文和社会科学学院、理学院、管理学院组成,每个学院都提供大学、研究所与研究课程。巴斯大学管理学院在金融时报(Financial Times)2013欧洲商学院排名上位居英国第14位,欧洲第50位,近三年平均排名欧洲第62位,是公认的英国最好的商学院之一。 1、AllBarOne。2、波娜娜PoNaNa。3、巴比伦夜总会。


6. 纽卡斯尔大学的知名校友

尤金妮公主(Princess Eugenie),英国公主,英国王室成员,伊丽莎白女王的孙女憨豆先生罗温·艾金森(Mr Bean)-著名喜剧明星(纽卡斯尔大学电子工程专业毕业)克里斯·文斯(Chris Vance),著名演员,《越狱》第三季中饰演James Whistler章名涛-中国电机工程界著名学者、教育家,有“机电泰斗”之称祝华-语言学家冯凯淇-香港新晋女歌手威廉·阿姆斯特朗,第一代阿姆斯特朗男爵,英国工程师,阿姆斯特朗惠特沃思(Armstrong Whitworth)公司 的创始人特里·菲雷罗爵士-著名建筑师杜叶锡恩-香港著名的社运家及教育工作者,40年多年来一直服务香港和为社会基层争取权益钱瑗-钱钟书之女,1990年曾于纽卡斯尔大学任客座教授安迪.伯(Andy Bird)-迪士尼公司首席执行官(CEO of Disney International)亚历桑德.唐纳-澳大利亚前外相布鲁斯.巴比特(Bruce Edward Babbitt),前美国内阁成员,美国亚利桑那州州长迪.斯都瓦特-天空体育台著名新闻播音员(Di Stewart - Sky Sports News Reader)特里.菲雷罗爵士-著名建筑师(Sir Terry Farrell - Architect)库德-奥运会金牌得主(Ed Coode - G.B. Olympic gold medallist)Constance Briscoe,英国第一位黑人女法官贾南-歌星,南合文斗组合人之一(纽卡斯尔大学MBA毕业)陈宇-联合国全球技术产权交易系统技术交易部项目经理李弓- 曾为英超纽卡斯尔俱乐部唯一中国籍主管,专栏作家、现任创易网CBO,著有《奋斗在英超》一书。李昉杰—复日科技继承者,现复旦张江生物医药技术研发部资深发酵专员。A:  Richard Adams- Fairtrade businessman.  Kate Adie- Journalist.  Yasmin Ahmad- Malaysian film director, writer and scriptwriter.  Jane Alexander- Bishop.  Theodosios Alexander- (BSc Marine Engineering 1981). Dean,Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and TechnologyofSaint Louis University.  William Armstrong, 1st Baron Armstrong- Industrialist, in 1871 founded College of Physical Science, an early part of the University.  Roy Ascott- New media artist.  Dennis Assanis- Provost and Senior Vice-President for Academic Affairs atStony Brook University.  Neil Astley- British publisher, editor and writer.  Rodney Atkinson- British eurosceptic conservative academic.  Rowan Atkinson- Comedian and actor.  B:  Bruce Babbitt- U.S. politician, 16th Governor of Arizona (1978–1987) and 47th United States Secretary of the Interior (1993–2001). Democrat.  James Baddiley- Biochemist, based at Newcastle University 1954–1983.The Baddiley-Clark building is named in part after him.  Tunde Baiyewu- Member of theLighthouse Family.  Masoud Banisadr- Historian.  John C. A. Barrett- Clergyman.  G. W. S. Barrow- Historian.  Neil Bartlett- Chemist, creation of the first noble gas compounds (BSc and PhD atKing's College, University of Durham, laterNewcastle University).  Sue Beardsmore- Television presenter.  Alan Beith- Politician.  Jean Benedetti- Biographer, translator, director and dramatist.  Phil Bennion- Politician.  Catherine Bertola- contemporary painter  Simon Best- Captain of theUlster Rugbyteam and a Prop for theIreland Team.  Andy Bird- CEO ofDisneyInternational.  David Bradley- Science Writer.  Mike Brearley- Professional cricketer, formerly a lecturer in philosophy at the university (1968–1971).  Rory, Viscount Dungarvan- Heir apparent to theearldom of Cork.  Constance Briscoe- One of the first black women to sit as a judge in the UK. Author of the best-selling autobiographyUgly.Found guilty in May 2014 on three charges of attempting to pervert the course of justice. Jailed for 16 months.  Steve Brooks- Entomologist. Brooks attained a BSc in Zoology an MSc in Public Health Engineering from Newcastle University in 1976 and 1977 respectively.  Gavin Brown- Academic.  Vicki Bruce- Psychologist.  Basil Bunting- Poet, Northern Arts Poetry Fellow at Newcastle University (1968–70). Honorary DLitt in 1971.  John Burgan- Documentary filmmaker.  Mark Burgess- Computer scientist.  Sir John Burn- Professor of Clinical Genetics at Newcastle University Medical School, Medical Director and Head of the Institute of Genetics and the lead clinician for the NHS North East. Knighted for his services to medicine in 2010. Newcastle Medical School alumnus.  William Lawrence Burn- historian and lawyer, history chair at King's College, Newcastle (1944–66).  John Harrison Burnett- Botanist, chair of Botany at King's College, Newcastle (1960–68).  C:  Richard Caddel- Poet.  Deborah Cameron- Linguist.  John Ashton Cannon- Historian. Professor of Modern History and Head of Department of History from 1976 until his appointment as Dean of the Faculty of Arts in 1979. Pro-Vice-Chancellor from 1983 – 1986.  Stuart Cameron- Lecturer.  Robert Carter- Novelist.  Ian Carr- Musician.  Jimmy Cartmell- Rugby Player,Newcastle Falcons.  Steve Chapman- Principal and Vice-Chancellor ofHeriot-Watt University.  Choo Chiau Beng- CEO ofKeppel Corporation& Chairman ofKeppel Offshore & Marine.  Chua Chor Teck- Managing Director ofKeppel Group.  Ashraf Choudhary- Scientist.  Jennifer A. Clack- Palaeontologist.  George Clarke- Architect.  Carol Clewlow- Novelist.  Brian Clouston- Landscape architect.  Ed Coode- G.B. Olympic gold medallist.  John Coulson- Chemical engineering academic.  Caroline Cox, Baroness Cox- Cross-bench member of the BritishHouse of Lords.  D:  Fred D'Aguiar- Author.  Julia Darling- poet, playwright and novelist. MA in Creative Writing.  Simin Davoudi- Academic.  Katie Doherty- Singer-songwriter.  Nowell Donovan- Vice-chancellor for academic affair s and Provost ofTexas Christian University.  Alexander Downer-AustralianMinister for Foreign Affairs(1996–2007).  Catherine Douglas-Ig Nobel Prizewinner for Veterinary Medicine.  Annabel Dover- Artist, studied Fine art 1994–1998.  Chris Duffield-Town Clerkand Chief Executive of theCity of London Corporation.  E:  Tom English- Drummer,Maxïmo Park.  Michael Earl- Academic.  F:  U. A. Fanthorpe- Poet.  Frank Farmer- medical physicist, Professor of medical physics at Newcastle University in 1966.  Tim Farron-Liberal DemocratMPforWestmorland and Lonsdale.  Terry Farrell- Architect.  Ian Fells- Professor.  Andy Fenby- Rugby player.  Bryan Ferry- Singer withRoxy Music. Studied fine art.  E. J. Field- Neuroscientist, director of the university's Demyelinating Disease Unit.  John Niemeyer Findlay- Philosopher.  John Fitzgerald- Computer scientist.  Rose Frain- Artist.  G:  Peter Gibbs- Television weather presenter.  Chrissie Gittins- Poet and writer.  Ken Goodall- Rugby player.  Peter Gooderham- British ambassador.  Michael Goodfellow- Professor in Microbial Systematics.  Robert Goodwill- Politician.  Richard Gordon- Author.  Thomas George Greenwell- National Conservative member of parliament.  H:  Alex Halliday- Professor of Geochemistry,University of Oxford.  Rupert Harden- Professional Rugby Union player withGloucester.  Tim Head- Artist.  Patsy Healey- Professor.  Alastair Heathcote- GB Rower.  Dorothy Heathcote- Academic.  Adrian Henri- 'Mersey Scene' Poet and painter.  Stephen Hepburn- politician.  Jack Heslop-Harrison- Botanist.  Gavin Hetherington- Author.  Stuart Hill- Author.  Jean Hillier- Professor.  Jeremy Hoad- Author and academic.  Robert Holden- Landscape architect.  Ken Hodcroft- Chairman ofHartlepool Unitedand founder of Increased Oil Recovery.  Bill Hopkins- Composer.  David Horrobin- Entrepreneur.  Debbie Horsfield- Writer of dramas includingCutting It.  John House- Geographer.  Paul Hudson- Weather presenter.  Philip Hunter- Educationist.  I:  Martin Ince- journalist and media adviser, founder of theQS World University Rankings.  Charles Innes-Ker-Marquess of Bowmont and Cessford.  Mark Isherwood- politician.  Jonathan Israel- Historian.  J:  George Neil Jenkins- Medical researcher.  Wilko Johnson- guitarist, particularly with 1970s British rhythm and blues bandDr. Feelgood.  Rich Johnston- Comic book writer and cartoonist.  Cliff Jones- Computer Scientist.  Colin Jones- Historian.  David E. H. Jones- Chemist.  Francis R. Jones- Poetry translator and Reader in Translation Studies.  Phil Jones- Climatologist.  Michael Jopling, Baron Jopling- Member of theHouse of Lordsand theConservative Party.  Wilfred Josephs- Dentist and composer.  K:  Panayiotis Kalorkoti- Artist. Studied B.A. (Hons) 1st Class in Fine Art (1976–80) and Bartlett Fellow in the Visual Arts (1988).  Jackie Kay- Poet and novelist, Professor of Creative Writing.  Paul Kennedy- Historian of international relations and grand strategy.  Debbie King- Television presenter.  Martin Luther King Jr.- Honorary Doctor of Civil Law at a ceremony on 13 November 1967.  Lesley Kerman- Artist.  L:  Henrike Lähnemann- German medievalist.  Steven Larter- Professor of Petroleum Geology,University of Calgary.  Dave Leadbetter- politician.  Lin Hsin Hsin- IT inventor, artist, poet and composer.  Keith Ludeman- Businessman.  Lim Boon Heng- Singapore Minister.  M:  Jack Mapanje- Writer and Poet.  Milton Margai- First prime minister ofSierra Leone(medical degree from the Durham College of Medicine, later becameNewcastle University Medical School).  Laurence Martin- War Studies Writer.  Carl R. May- Sociologist.  Tom May- Professional rugby union player, now withNorthampton Saints, and capped by England.  John Anthony McGuckin- Orthodox Christian scholar, priest, and poet.  Mo Mowlam- politician, lecturer at Newcastle University (1979–83).  Zia Mian- physicist.  Richard Middleton- Musicologist.  Mary Midgley- Moral philosopher.  Howard J Morgan- Artist.  Hermann Moisl- Linguist.  Theodore Morison- Principal of Armstrong College, Newcastle upon Tyne (1919–24).  Andy Morrell- footballer.  Frank Moulaert- Professor.  Chris Mullin- Ex MP and author, visiting fellow.  Richard Murphy- Architect.  N:  Karim Nayernia- Biomedical scientist.  O:  Sally O'Reilly- Writer.  Mo O'Toole- politician.  P:  Geoff Parling-Leicester Tigersrugby player.  Chris Patten, Baron Patten of Barnes- British Conservative politician and Chancellor of the University (1999–2009).  Mick Paynter- Cornish poet and Grandbard.  Robert A. Pearce- Academic.  Oliver Proudlock-Made in Chelseastar and creator of Serge De Nîmes Clothing Line. Studied Fine Art  Guy Pelly- nightclub entrepreneur, studied land management.  Hugh Percy, 10th Duke of Northumberland- Chancellor of the University (1964–1988).  Jonathan Pile- Showbiz Editor,ZOOmagazine.  Ben Pimlott- Political historian, PhD and lectureship at Newcastle University (1970–79).  Robin Plackett- Statistician.  Alan Plater- Playwright and screenwriter.  Henry Pleass- Professor of Surgery, University of Sydney, Australia.  Rob Powell- FormerLondon Broncoscoach.  Stuart Prebble- Former chief executive ofITV.  John Porter- musician.  Mark Purnell- palaeontologist.  Poh Kwee Ong- Deputy President ofSembCorp Marine.  Q:  Pirzada Qasim-Pakistanischolar, Vice Chancellor of theUniversity of Karachi.  Joyce Quin, Baroness Quin- politician.  R:  Brian Randell- Computer Scientist.  Andy RaleighRugby League player forWakefield Trinity Wildcats  Rupert Mitford, 6th Baron Redesdale-Liberal Democratspokesman in theHouse of Lordsfor International Development.  Alastair Reynolds- Novelist and former researchastronomerwith theEuropean Space Agency.  Ben Rice- Author.  Lewis Richardson- mathematician, studied at the Durham College of Science in Newcastle.  Matthew Ridley, 4th Viscount Ridley- Chancellor of the University from 1988 to 1999.  Colin Riordon- VC ofCardiff University, Professor of German Studies (1988–2006).  Nayef Al-Rodhan- philosopher, neuroscientist, geostrategist, and author.  Neil Rollinson- poet.  Peter Rowlinson- Ig Nobel Prize winner for Veterinary Medicine.  John Rushby- Computer scientist.  Camilla Rutherford- Actress.  S:  Jonathan Sacks- FormerChief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth.  Ross Samson- Professional rugby player with London Irish and Scotland U20 and 7s cap. Studied History.  William Scammell- Poet.  Sean Scully- painter.  Mark Sephton- Professor of Organic Geochemistry and Meteoritics,Imperial College London.  Nigel Shadbolt- Computer Scientist.  Tom Shakespeare- Geneticist.  Jo Shapcott- Poet.  James Shapiro- Canadian surgeon and scientist.  Jack Shepherd- Actor and playwright.  Mark Shucksmith- Professor.  Chris Simms- Crime thriller novel author.  Iain Smith- Scottish politician.  Paul Smith- Singer,Maxïmo Park.  Paul Smith- Politician, former member of Bristol city council.  Graham William Smith- Probation officer, widely regarded as the father of the national probation service.  John Snow- Discoverer of cholera transmission through water, leader in the adoption of anaesthesia. Snow was one of the 8 students enrolled on the very first term of the Medical School.  William Somerville- Agriculturist, professor of agriculture and forestry at Durham College of Science (later Newcastle University).  Ed Stafford- Explorer, walking the length of the Amazon River.  Chris Steele-Perkins- Photographer.  Chris Stevenson- Academic.  Di Stewart-Sky Sports NewsReader.  Miodrag Stojković- Genetics Researcher.  Miriam Stoppard- Physician, author and agony aunt.  Peter Straughan- Playwright and short-story writer.  T:  Eric Thomas- Academic.  Mathew Tait- Rugby union footballer.  David Tibet- Cult musician and poet.  James Tooley- Professor.  George Grey Turner- Surgeon.  Maurice Tucker- Sedimentologist.  Archis Tiku- Bassist,Maxïmo Park.  Paul Tucker- Member ofLighthouse Family.  Ronald F. Tylecote- Archaeologist.  V:  Chris Vance- Actor inPrison BreakandAll Saints.  Géza Vermes- Scholar.  Geoff Vigar- Lecturer.  Hugh Vyvyan- Rugby union player.  W:  Alick Walker- Palaeontologist.  Tom Walker-Sunday Timesforeign correspondent.  Lord Walton of Detchant- Physician, President of theGMC,BMA,RSMand Warden ofGreen College, Oxford(1983–1989).  Kevin Warwick- Professor of Cybernetics, was a Lecturer in Electrical & Electronic Engineering.  Charlie Webster- Television sports presenter.  Li Wei- Professor of Applied Linguistics atBirkbeck College,University of London.  Joseph Joshua Weiss- Professor of Radiation Chemistry.  Robert Westall- Children's writer, twice winner ofCarnegie Medal.  Thomas Stanley Westoll- Fellow of theRoyal Society.  Gillian Whitehead- Composer.  Zoe Williams- Sports woman, worked onGladiators.  Philip Williamson- Former Chief Executive ofNationwide Building Society.  Donald I. Williamson- Planktologist and carcinologist.  John Willis- Royal Air Force officer and council member of the University.  Lukas Wooller- Keyboard player,Maxïmo Park.  Graham Wylie- Co-founder of theSage Group. Studied Computing Science & Statistics BSc and graduated in 1980. Also awarded an honuorary doctorate in 2004.  Wilson Wan Sze Chung- a charity leader, an accountant, columnist, life magician, social entrepreneur by profession, founder and council chairman of the charityHong Kong Caring Magic Circus.  Y:  Princess Eugenie of York- Member of the British royal family, seventh in the line of succession. Studied Combined Studies BA (Art History, English Literature and Politics).  John Yorke- Controller of Continuing Drama and Head of Independent Drama at theBBC.  Martha Young-Scholten- Linguist.  Paul Younger- Hydrogeologist.

7. 纽卡斯尔大学知名校友有哪些?

 纽卡斯尔大学荣誉简介  纽卡斯尔大学知名校友:    埃里克 E 帕里、许文远、Jonathan Biggins、杰里米 林赛 泰勒 、迈克尔.张伯伦、哈利跟、亚瑟.斯诺狄诺斯、米利亚姆.阿伦、
  纽卡斯尔大学有哪些知名校友?  纽卡斯尔大学知名校友:    埃里克 E 帕里、许文远、Jonathan Biggins、杰里米 林赛 泰勒 、迈克尔.张伯伦、哈利跟、亚瑟.斯诺狄诺斯、米利亚姆.阿伦、
  纽卡斯尔大学知名校友得过哪些荣誉?  许文远,新加坡发展部部长,执政的人民行动党主席。1952年12月8日在马来西亚槟城出生,1973荣获新加坡哥伦坡计划奖学金赴澳洲纽卡斯大学深造。1977年毕业加入新加坡公共行政部门。1992年任吴作栋总理的机要秘书。1995年任贸工部常任秘书。 
   纽卡斯尔大学得过哪些奖?  全球高校专业排名 
   泰晤士报高等教育-QS生命科学和生物医学专业大学排名 225   泰晤士报高等教育-QS技术专业大学排名 222   1、2005年,在英国评论刊物《泰晤士报高等教育增刊》的全球前200名高校排行榜中,纽卡斯尔大学位列第127位。   2、在该增刊的全球前100名生物医学大学排行榜中,该大学同样取得了63名的好成绩。   3、在澳大利亚研究型大学中,该大学位列前十名,在澳大利亚36所公立大学中也排名前十。   4、2005年,《新闻周刊》将其列入全球大学前100强。   5、根据上海交通大学


8. 纽卡斯尔大学知名校友有哪些?

 纽卡斯尔大学荣誉简介                                                                                            01                                                              纽卡斯尔大学知名校友:   埃里克 E 帕里、许文远、Jonathan Biggins、杰里米 林赛 泰勒 、迈克尔.张伯伦、哈利跟、亚瑟.斯诺狄诺斯、米利亚姆.阿伦、
                                                                                                                                                                                                    纽卡斯尔大学有哪些知名校友?                                                                                            01                                                              纽卡斯尔大学知名校友:   埃里克 E 帕里、许文远、Jonathan Biggins、杰里米 林赛 泰勒 、迈克尔.张伯伦、哈利跟、亚瑟.斯诺狄诺斯、米利亚姆.阿伦、
                                                                                                                                                                                                    纽卡斯尔大学知名校友得过哪些荣誉?                                                                                            01                                                              许文远,新加坡发展部部长,执政的人民行动党主席。1952年12月8日在马来西亚槟城出生,1973荣获新加坡哥伦坡计划奖学金赴澳洲纽卡斯大学深造。1977年毕业加入新加坡公共行政部门。1992年任吴作栋总理的机要秘书。1995年任贸工部常任秘书。
                                                                                                                                                                                                    纽卡斯尔大学得过哪些奖?                                                                                            01                                                              全球高校专业排名   泰晤士报高等教育-QS生命科学和生物医学专业大学排名 225   泰晤士报高等教育-QS技术专业大学排名 222   1、2005年,在英国评论刊物《泰晤士报高等教育增刊》的全球前200名高校排行榜中,纽卡斯尔大学位列第127位。   2、在该增刊的全球前100名生物医学大学排行榜中,该大学同样取得了63名的好成绩。   3、在澳大利亚研究型大学中,该大学位列前十名,在澳大利亚36所公立大学中也排名前十。   4、2005年,《新闻周刊》将其列入全球大学前100强。   5、根据上海交通大学