non-voting class a common shares 是什么股票

2024-05-19 16:15

1. non-voting class a common shares 是什么股票


non-voting class a common shares 是什么股票

2. 请问受限股票与受限股票单位之间是什么关系?非常感谢。

受限股票(RSU)restricted stock unit 就是受限股票单位、限制性股票
两者一个意思 翻译不同
受限股票单位(RSU )的本质是在一定期限内不能卖出,或者说不能上市流通。通常为4年。 
获得受限股票单位(RSU )的职工面积可以很大,比如达到50%以上。同时对工作年限没有限制。但是,实际上,获得受限股票单位(RSU )的多少往往与工作年限有关。期权与此相比,受益职工面积可以更大,如全员持股期权,而且通常有一个较长的工作时段,否则没法兑现。 
受限股票单位(RSU )目前正在成为取代期权的一种流行的职工激励方式,因为股票的价值通常总是大于零的,而期权则不一定,可能等于零,所以受限股票单位(RSU )对职工有更明确的激励内容和实惠。 
目前采用受限股票单位(RSU )的企业有INTEL等。国内也开始流行了。

3. share什么意思

share  英 [ʃeə]  美 [ʃɛr] :vt. 分享,分担;分配;vi. 共享;分担;n. 份额;股份;n. (Share)人名;(阿拉伯)沙雷
H share 恒生中国企业指数 ; h股
dafault share 缺省共享
share price 股票价格 ; 股价 ; 每股购买价 ; 股票价值
share repurchase 股份购回 ; 股份回购 ; 股票回购 ; 购回股份
share registrar 股份登记员 ; 过户处 ; 股票过户登记处 ; 证券登记机构
fractional share 不足一股的股份 ; 不足一股的零碎股票 ; [金融] 零星股份 ; 不敷一股的股份
staff share [金融] 职工股
golden share 黄金股 ; 黄金股份 ; 黄金股权 ; 金边股
Share Placement 批股

1、Share this with anyone you care about. 
2、We share some of them with you in Part 1 of this series. 
在本系列的第 1部分我们与您共享其中的一些技巧和提示。
3、They like to share their food. 
4、I wanted to share his story with each of you. 
5、And I share this concern. 
6、Do share your thoughts in the comments below, I respond to each and every one of them. 


4. 英文翻译

(2) percentage of total compensation that is equity-based, and
 (3) percentage of total compensation in salary plus bonus. 
对于 工资和奖金总和的 赔偿的百分比
Total compensation is the sum of the dollar values of salary, bonus, dividend units, saving plans, properties, insurance, and the value of the awards from grants of new stock options, phantom stocks, restricted stocks, performance shares, and performance units. 
赔偿总额是以下所有的总合:用美元去衡量的工资,奖金,红利,节水规划,资产,保险,及通过控股权的转让而赚的钱(the value of the awards from grants of new stock options我翻不好) ,影子股票(也有称妖股的),有限制的股票,业绩股份,业绩单位。

The percentage of total compensation that is equity-based is measured as the ratio of the sum of the value of awards from grants of new stock options, restricted stocks, phantom stocks, and performance shares to total compensation. 
以股本为基础的赔偿总额的百分比是通过计算  通过控股权的转让而赚的钱,有限制的股票,影子股票以及业绩股份  和   总赔偿金  的比例来测算的。

Finally, the cash percentage of total compensation is the ratio of salary plus bonus to total compensation.
最后,整个赔偿的现金比例指的是   工资和奖金之和 比上 总赔偿金。

 In analyzing the effect of compensation structure on firm performance, I only considered expected rather than realized compensation. 
Thus, the measurement of stock options exclude the change in the value of the accrued stock of outstanding options during the sample period. 
这样一来,对于股票期权的估测就排除   已经被买了的累积股票价值的改变  在外。
 The reason is that there is a mechanical relation between firm performance and realized executives’ wealth. 
这是因为公司业绩 和 (真正)所积累的经理人的财富有一种机械的关系。

As an example, consider two firms that pay salaries of $X and that made a one-time-only stock option grant of 1,000 shares several years ago (with no subsequent grants). 
举个例子,靠路边以下两个公司都给员工x美元工资,并且都在几年前作了   一次完成的 1000股股票期权的出售(其后没有再出售)。
Suppose one of these firms turns out to be a high performer, while the other one is low performer. 
The low-performing firm will have a zero realized option value, while the high performer (with high appreciation) will have a large realized option value. 
Thus, a regression of firm performance on realized stock options will yield a positive mechanical correlation, and will not allow inferences about the effectiveness of stock options.
这样,关于实现期权股票增长问题的  公司业绩的回归 将产生出一个积极的机械的关系,同时,回归将不允许对于股票期权有效性的推断。
 Measurement of compensation is discussed further in the appendix. 
Ownership structure: The percentage of equity held by managers is measured using the sum of their direct share ownership and their stock options outstanding plus share ownership by their immediate families.
所有制结构:经理所占有的普通股的测量是通过  将  他们直接股的拥有量,他们突出的期权股票,他们直系亲属所拥有的股份  加起来 来进行的。
 The percentage of equity held by all outside blockholders is measured using the sum of the percentages of equity held by individual investors, institutional investors, and corporations who own at least 5% of the common stock of the company.      
外董事拥有的普通股份百分比的测量方法把    个体投资者、团体投资者、拥有至少5%该公司通股的其他公司所拥有的普通股的百分比     加起来。
I choose 5% (as many researchers do) because this ownnership level triggers mandatory public filing under SEC regulation.

5. Total Gain on Unvested Shares怎么翻译

vest:v. (财产、权利等)授予
通常用于期权(stock option)、限制性股票(restricted stock)等
vested shares:可行权的股票
unvested shares:尚不可行权(未到行权期)的股票。
Total Gain on Unvested Shares翻译:尚不可行权股票的总收益。(指的是账面收益,因为还不可以行权)

Total Gain on Unvested Shares怎么翻译