
2024-05-17 13:17

1. 美国硅谷的创始人是谁...!?

硅谷(Silicon Valley)名称原创者是Don Hoefler.斯坦福大学教授Frederick Terman率先设立了首宗风险投资基金.第一家有影响的创业公司惠普,创始人是William Hewlett和David Packard.早期对硅谷发展最有贡献的是肖克利二极管发明人William Shockley,创建了飞兆半导体公司(Fairchild Semiconductor),该公司是美国乃至全球微电子工业起源,后来的英特尔、AMD、国民半导体等均在其基础上演变而来.


2. 硅谷的介绍

3. 硅谷的介绍


4. 硅谷的介绍?

硅谷(Silicon Valley),位于美国加利福尼亚州北部、旧金山湾区南部[1-2]  ,是高科技事业云集的美国加州圣塔克拉拉谷(Santa Clara Valley)的别称。硅谷的主要部分位于旧金山半岛南端的圣塔克拉拉县(Santa Clara County)[3]  ,主要是该县下属的帕罗奥多市到县府圣何塞市一段长约25英里的谷地[1-3]  ;而总范围一般还包含西南旧金山湾区圣马特奥县的部分城市(比如门洛帕克)以及东旧金山湾区阿拉米达县的部分城市(比如费利蒙)等地[1-2]  [5]  。最早是研究和生产以硅为基础的半导体芯片的地方,因此得名[2]  。
硅谷是当今电子工业和计算机业的王国,尽管美国和世界其他高新技术区都在不断发展壮大,但硅谷仍然是高科技技术创新和发展的开创者,该地区的风险投资占全美风险投资总额的三分之一[1]  ,择址硅谷的计算机公司已经发展到大约1500家[6]  。一个世纪之前这里还是一片果园,但是自从英特尔 、苹果公司、谷歌、脸书、雅虎等高科技公司的总部在这里落户之后[1-2]  ,这里就成为了一座繁华的市镇[1-2]  。在短短的几十年之内,硅谷出了无数的科技富翁[1-2]  [7]  。
硅谷的主要区位特点是以附近一些具有雄厚科研力量的美国顶尖大学为依托[1-2]  ,主要包括斯坦福大学(Stanford University)和加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)[2]  [9]  ,同时还包括加州大学其他的几所校区和圣塔克拉拉大学等等[6]  。硅谷以高新技术的中小公司群为基础,同时拥有谷歌、Facebook、惠普、英特尔、苹果公司、思科、英伟达、甲骨文、特斯拉、雅虎等大公司[1]  ,融科学、技术、生产为一体[1-2]  。

5. 硅谷的角色介绍

  托马斯·米德蒂奇Thomas Middleditch饰演Richard HendricksRichard invented and built the start-up Pied Piper, a program designed to find music matches, while living at Erlich’s Hacker Hostel alongside his best friend Big Head and fellow nerds Dinesh and Gilfoyle. Pied Piper’s compression algorithm triggered a bidding war and ultimately garnered funding from Peter Gregory's company Raviga. After winning TechCrunch Disrupt -- and $50,000 -- Richard and Pied Piper are in the spotlight more than ever, which for Richard means non-stop thrills (read: nausea and crippling panic).    T·J·米勒T.J. Miller饰演Erlich BachmanErlich administers the Hacker Hostel, a tech incubator where Richard, Big Head, Dinesh, and Gilfoyle live and work in exchange for 10 percent of their potential businesses. Erlich clings to his glory days, when he sold aviation start-up Aviato, a move that, at least in his mind, qualifies him to be a svengali lording over other tech nerds. He still drives a car emblazoned with multiple Aviato logos and smokes copious amounts of weed.      乔什·布雷纳Josh Brener饰演Nelson 'Big Head' BighettiBig Head is the best friend of Richard, who he once lived and worked with at the Hacker Hostel alongside Gilfoyle and Dinesh. Richard made the tough decision not to hire Big Head, who admits to not being great at any one aspect of building sites or coding, but landed on his feet at Hooli. Although technically unassigned to any department, Big Head's rest and vest lifestyle agrees with him.    马丁·斯塔尔Martin Starr饰演Bertram GilfoyleGilfoyle lives and works in the Hacker Hostel with Richard, Big Head, and Dinesh. He is pompous and purports to be good at system architecture, networking, and security. Gilfoyle often finds himself sparring with Dinesh.    库梅尔·南贾尼Kumail Nanjiani饰演Dinesh ChugtaiDinesh lives and works in the Hacker Hostel with Richard, Big Head, and Gilfoyle. He possesses a dry wit and skills at writing code, particularly java script. Dinesh often finds himself sparring with Gilfoyle.    阿曼达·克鲁Amanda Crew饰演MonicaBefore Peter Gregory's death, Monica was Raviga’s head of operations, handling the day-to-day duties of his tech investment business and often fielding pitches and working directly with tech folks using Peter’s money. Now she works under Laurie Bream as an associate partner. Monica took a particular interest in Richard and Pied Piper from the beginning and has taken Peter's board seat at Richard's request.    扎克·伍兹Zach Woods饰演Donald 'Jared' DunnPreviously a Hooli executive, Jared traded in his corporate position to serve as head of business development at Pied Piper. His organization skills and professionalism don’t always mesh with Pied Piper's loose culture, but he's proven himself a valuable asset to the team.    马特·罗斯Matt Ross饰演Gavin BelsonGavin Belson is the Chief Innovation Officer of Hooli, a huge tech company in Silicon Valley that seemingly has its hands in everything but specifically does “targeted search and cross-platform verticals.” He had a long-standing rivalry with Peter Gregory, which only fueled his desire to acquire Richard’s algorithm -- a quest that continues after Peter's death. For Gavin, bigger is better -- and money is no object.


6. 硅谷之父的介绍

《硅谷之父》作者:(美)莱斯利·柏林 译者:孟永彪。可视作美国半导体业和英特尔集团的一部生动鲜活而又浅近有趣的创业史。为我们展现了一个现代版的美国成功梦,一位我们这个时代最为重要的发明家、企业家的成功与挫折。