
2024-05-17 09:28

1. 会计科目英文缩写




2. 会计科目里的科目怎么翻译?

account title/title of account: 会计科目 是账户的名称。是会计要素进一步分类的具体体现。
caption of account 这个比较正式 较经常出现于论文中。
name of account 这个也出现于论文中,比较正式,不过没有上一个正式。
accounting item   会计科目,会计项目
还有时候表示会计科目只有一个词 就用account
如果只是口语 平时的交流用 那么用subject其实也可以听得懂 别人也是可以理解的 不过这个一般是用于学科,表示在学校学的专业是会计专业的

看看你是要用在什么语境里 选择合适的用吧

3. 主要会计科目的英文说法(国际通用)

一、资产类库存现金(Cash on hand)银行存款(Cash in  bank)其他货币资金(Other cash and cash equivalents)存出保证金(Refundable deposits)交易性金融资产(Financial  assets at fair value through profit or loss)应收票据(Note receivable)应收账款(Account receivable )预付账款(Advanced  payment)应收股利(Dividend receivable)应收利息(Interest receivable)其他应收款(Other receivables)坏账准备(Allowance for bad debts)材料采购(Materials purchase)在途物资(Materials in transit)原材料(Raw materials)材料成本差异(Materials cost variance)库存商品(Commodity stocks)发出商品(Goods shipped in transit)商品进销差价(Differences between purchasing and selling price)委托加工物资(Consigned processing material)周转材料(Circulating materials)存货跌价准备(Provisions for decline in inventory)长期应收款(Long-term receivables)固定资产(Plant and equipment)累计折旧(Accumulated depreciation)固定资产减值准备(Provisions for impairment of fixed assets)在建工程(Construction in process)工程物资(Construction materials)固定资产清理(Disposal of fixed assets)无形资产(Intangible assets)累计摊销(Accumulated depletion)无形资产减值准备(Provisions for impairment of intangible assets)商誉(Goodwill)长期待摊费用(Long-term deferred assets)递延所得税资产(Deferred income tax assets)待处理财产损溢(Loss or profit from assets wait to deal)二、负债类短期借款(Short loan)交易性金融负债(Financial  liabilities at fair value through profit or loss)应付票据(Notes  payable)应付账款((Accounts  payable)预收账款(Amounts collected in advance)应付职工薪酬(Accrued employee compensation)应交税费(Tax payable)应付利息(Interest payable)应付股利(Dividend payable)其他应付款(Other  payables)长期借款(Long-term loan)应付债券(Long-term bonds)长期应付款(Long term payable)未确认融资费用(Unrecognized  finance cost )专项应付款(Specific  payable)预计负债(Accrued liabilities)递延所得税负债(Deferred income tax liabilities)三、所有者权益类实收资本(Paid-in capital)资本公积(Capital reserve)盈余公积(Surplus  reserves)本年利润(Current year profits)利润分配(Profit distribution)四、成本类生产成本(Manufacturing cost)制造费用(Manufacturing overhead)劳务成本(Service cost)研发支出(R&D expenditures)工程施工(Engineering construction)五、损益类主营业务收入(Prime operating revenue)其他业务收入(Other operating revenue)公允价值变动损益(Profit or loss on fair value)营业外收入(Unrelated business income)主营业务成本(Cost of goods sold)其他业务成本(Other business expense)营业税金及附加(Operating tax and associate charge)销售费用(Marketing expenses)管理费用(Administrative  expenses)财务费用(Financial expenses)资产减值损失(Asset impairment loss)营业外支出(Losses)所得税费用(Income tax expense)以前年度损益调整(Prior-period profit or loss adjustment)


4. 求英文会计科目定义啊!会计科目已经列在下面了。

gengral expences   
fixtures and fittings   
1001 cash, asset classes: are usually stored in corporate accounting departments, administered by the cashier of currency. 1002 bank deposits: this account accounting business money on deposit in banks or other financial institutions. 1012 other monetary assets: this account accounting business in addition to the cash, monetary assets other than bank deposits. Including bank draft deposits, bank draft deposits margin deposits, credit card deposit, letter of credit and inventory investment, Deposit in other cities and other monetary assets. 1101 traded financial assets: this account accounting business for sale in the near future purpose bonds held by investment, equity investment, fund investment transactions the fair value of financial assets. 1121 notes receivable: accounts accounting of enterprises, such as sales of goods or rendering of services and commercial bills of Exchange received, included bank acceptance bills and commercial acceptance. 1122 accounts receivable: this account accounting business for business activities such as sales of goods and rendering of services, should accept to purchase units or service units received payments. Including price and purchasing goods that should be charged to the debtor by the advance of freight and miscellaneous charges. 1123 prepaid accounts: account accounting business in accordance with the terms of the contract in advance payment amounts to the supply unit. (Deposit) advance not more, you can also do not set up this account, advance payments are credited directly to "accounts payable" accounts. Construction in progress prepayment of enterprise engineering price, also accounted for in this subject. 1131 dividends receivable: accounts accounting of enterprises should receive cash dividends and other distribution of profits should be charged. 1132 interest receivable: this account accounting business of trading, held to maturity investments, financial assets available-for-sale financial assets, loans, deposit of Central Bank money, return to sale financial assets such as Loans to other banks, buying interest should be charged. Enterprise purchases of held to maturity investments in debt interest achieved during holding, "held to maturity investments" account account. 1221 other receivables: this account accounting business in addition to notes receivable, accounts receivable, prepaid accounts receivable and other than temporary payments, mainly including compensation receivable, fines, Rentals Rental receivable packaging, should be charged to staff various advances, deposit paid. 1231 for bad debts: company does not recover or very small likelihood of recovery of receivables. Enterprise result from bad debt losses known as bad debt losses. Account accounting business receivables bad debts. 1401 material procurement: this account daily plan cost accounting enterprise uses materials accounting and actual purchase cost of purchased materials, including purchase price and procurement costs. 1402 supplies in transit: actual cost accounting enterprise uses this account (or price) for materials, goods and other supplies daily accounting, the purchase price has been paid not acceptance into the procurement cost of Goods in transit. 1403 raw materials: the accounts accounting inventory of a variety of materials, including raw materials and primary materials, auxiliary materials, purchased semi-finished products (outsourcing), repair of spare parts (spare parts), packaging material, planned or actual costs, such as fuel. 1404 material cost variance: this account accounting business plans daily accounting of material cost variances in planned costs and actual costs. Enterprise is also available in "raw materials", "working material" account setup "cost variance" detailed account. 1405 inventory: the accounts accounting inventory of finished and waiting for the actual cost of goods sold (or price) or cost (or price), include finished goods, purchase inventory, storage of goods in retail store for sale of goods, goods issue to the exhibition, as well as hosting foreign commodities. 1406 for the goods: the subject does not meet the revenue recognition Accounting Enterprise conditions but in the actual cost of the goods (or price) or cost (or price). Using fees commissioned unit to sell merchandise, you can also set up a separate "commissioned and sell the goods". 1407 products into the sales post: daily accounting accounting enterprise uses this account price difference between price and the price of goods. 1408 processed material: this account accounting business unit processing outside any of the actual cost of materials, goods and other materials. 1411 recycling materials: this account accounting business turnaround plan cost or actual cost of the material, including packaging, low-value and easy consumption products, as well as enterprise (contractor) steel formwork, formwork, scaffolding, etc. Enterprise package, low-value and easy consumption products, you can also set up a separate "packages", "low-value consumables" account. 1471 inventory provision: this account accounting business inventory provision. 1501 held to maturity investments: bonds purchased account accounting business and enterprises have the ability and intention to hold to maturity to receive principal and interest, (accounting for held to maturity investments amortised cost). This account can be held to maturity investment categories and varieties, respectively, "cost", "interest adjustment" and "accrued interest", such as account.

5. SF是什么意思?

SF就是Stanford University:美国斯坦福大学
斯坦福大学位于美国加州旧金山湾区南部帕罗奥多市境内,临近著名高科技园区硅谷(Silicon Valley),是世界著名私立研究型大学。斯坦福大学于1885年成立,1891年开始正式招生,占地约33平方公里(8180英亩),是美国占地面积第六大的大学。

斯坦福大学的创建正逢美国产业革命和高等教育改革之时, 这使它的办学理念无不刻着时代的烙印, 无不显示着务实、创业的精神。斯坦福大学在创建之初便确立了鲜明的办学宗旨,即“使所学的东西都对学生的生活直接有用, 帮助他们取得成功。
因此,它的目的是以整个人类的文明进步为最终利益, 积极发挥大学的作用, 促进社会福祉;教导学生遵纪守法,尽享自由给人的快乐;教育学生尊重和热爱民主政体中蕴含的崇高原则—— 因为这些崇高的原则源于人们生活、自由和追求幸福所拥有的不可剥夺的权利”。


6. 会计科目英文你知道么


7. sf是什么意思?

拼音缩写  SF=私服,即私人服务器或盟重新城传奇私服
  SF=沙发(Second Floor或So Fast),一个帖子的第二楼。
  SF=师父,网络游戏中简称。 [编辑本段]英文缩写   文体领域
  SF=Science Fiction(Sci-Fi),科幻小说,一种虚幻小说,主要描写想象的科学(或技术对社会或个人的影响的想象。中文最早也译作“科学小说”。
  SF=smile forever,英文信件中表示“笑口常开”的意思。
  SF=Spring Festival,春节,中国传统节日。
  SF=Small Forward,小前锋,篮球比赛阵容中的一个固定位置。通常小前锋的身高和体型都低于中锋和大前锋,但是又高于得分后卫与组织后卫。
  SF=San Francisco,旧金山,华人称为三藩市。位于美国加利福尼亚州西海岸圣弗朗西斯科半岛。
  SF=speculative fiction 推想小说, 科幻、奇幻及恐怖小说的总称
  SF=science fantasy 融合科幻及奇幻原素的作品
  SF=SPECIAL FORCE,特种部队,是Dragonfly 制作开发、Neowiz代理的一款第一人称FPS在线游戏。
  SF=Strike Freedom,机动战士高达SeedDestiny中登场的超人气机体强袭自由。
  SF=SONY FANS,索尼粉丝,指那些喜欢PS游戏的人。
  SF=Shadow Fiend,影魔,Dota中的一个英雄,可以学习毁灭阴影,支配死灵,魔王降临和魂之挽歌。
  SF=Shitty Fans,丝粉,就是不够格的粉丝的意思。
  SF=safety factor,安全系数,工程上的安全裕度。
  SF=stowage factor,积载因数,各种货物每一吨在货舱中正常堆积时所占的空间(立方米或立方英尺)。
  SF=Safe Flashing,数码相机的安全闪光模式。
  SF=Scuderia Ferrari,法拉利,一家意大利汽车生产商,1929年由恩佐�6�1法拉利创办,主要制造一级方程式赛车、赛车及高性能跑车。 [编辑本段]日语缩写  SF=sukosi fusigi,少儿不宜,少し不思议(すこしふしぎ)的缩写,最早出现在日本漫画评论中,针对藤子·F·不二雄的作品多拉A梦一类漫画的描述[1]。 [编辑本段]其他名称  SF互动传媒网,国内领先的动漫新媒体,由skyfire和wiseman创建于2004年。


8. 英文的会计分录怎么写?

journal有日记日报的意思,所以journal entry指会计分录、日记账分录、流水分录;侧重指出会计分录的日结特点。
accounting则是学术上专指“会计、会计学、记账”的意思,所以accounting entry就明确的专指会计分录,更有学术气息。
accounting [ə'kauntiŋ] n. 会计,会计学;帐单
accountant [ə'kauntənt]n. 会计师;会计人员